

1995 June 24th, HALLE K performed "Guinea-Pig", in the Kunsthalle St. Gallen.
We revised our videos for the new DVD, "einmal für immer" (Halle K videos 1984 – 1997).
Release autumn 2021, publisher ArtAdventures, Art on DVD.

As a result we were able to improve the guinea pig video, 21min.:
1. intro 4.12; 2. Vielfalt 3.12; 3. Muster 4.30; 4. Rothaut 2.13; 5. many eyes 4.50

HALLE K, people involved in "Guinea-Pig":
Marcel Hollenstein,    Text, Action
  Karl Steffen,           Projection
Alexander Stoll,      Sampler
     Beat Solèr,              Synthesizer
Daniel Wüthrich,    Guitar
Rahel and Barbara Müller,   "Rothaut" action

Camera: Heidi Schöni, Benno Müessli, Christian Ledermann, Marcel Schmied.
Production/Schnitt: Marcel, Karl, videOst. Copyright: HALLE K